Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why I Stay Away.

To avoid situations like these.

oh well. easily begun, easily ended.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I kinda changed my mind again. But not really. I'm just qualifying both sides of this internal argument. Marriage, or no marriage, i don't know. And it's only a thought that i seriously ponder upon rarely. Anyway.


Strive for Him daily. Why is it so DIFFICULT to get my freaking butt off of my chair and just DO it. ?!?! It makes me so mad. And I don'tasdkl;ja;sldkal;k. ]
Well, y'see. I don't know what to do. Sometimes I feel so close to God, yet, like right now, I feel so far. How do I get closer to Him? I pray everyday, I rarely ever skip out on my talk time with God. But maybe it's His love letter to me. I haven't been reading it too much at all. Is that what's missing? Sometimes I look for something, but it feels a bit empty. Or, well, it's there- but more idle. I feel so limited in what I can do sometimes. I want to do so much more - get out into the world so much more, but I can't even drive, I barely have any money. What can I do?
I guess I have to start with the little things first.


and then God will provide for the rest!

i just have to DO it.

Bring it on world.
See if you can trip me up again.

Sunday, January 24, 2010



Have you ever gotten the sudden urge to just grab someone.? Just anyone that you can come to love and have as a best friend and your one and only love.

I guess this urge sprouted from just a growing sense of impatience with people that just frustrate me. With people, and situations that frustrate me. I kinda just want to get this whole search for "the one" over with and find him already - not have to worry about it, y'know? And it'll just be really reassuring if this guy is the right guy. Someone consistent - someone whose interests in you don't fluctuate - a forever love. A true, forever love. Someone who just fits perfectly, as my other half to the missing puzzle piece to my heart. I know, cheesy, right? But really, I feel like I'm growing up too fast sometimes. In certain aspects. I've already considered seriously giving up this thing called a relationship numerous times. But I'm not sure if it's something that I should actually go through with. If God has someone for me out there, I don't want to shut that person out for my own exasperation and frustrations. Does any of this make sense? Am I the only one like this?

I'm ready for commitment, I strongly believe. But to the right person, the one God has chosen for me. From all the experiences I've had, those potential relationships just cannot work. There's always a boundary, a wall that is built that I can't even think of breaking down - so I give it up. When can I freely chase after the one I like -> love ? When can I find the guy that I'm chasing, reciprocally chasing after me - just me? But there's always another one of my own borders - my reluctance in my own self. There just doesn't seem to be anything interesting enough about me. There just doesn't seem to be anything I could do to make the one I love laugh, smile, or feel better. I'd hate to be in a relationship where I can't do anything for the other. But yet...

Where are you, love?


Holy & Hope.
Living in a holy way, and hoping in God.

Let's live for Him. Let's do the more that we should already, always be doing for such an amazing One as Him.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What, It Was About Me?!

So, in the age of crazy hormones and desire for a forever companion,

we are enveloped in problems about relationships. "Love" relationships - infatuation.
Thus, comes the job of those who are asked to offer advice - But have you ever felt like you're giving advice to a problem that specifically involves you? Because of that tugging feeling that the subject of the dilemma may revolve around you, being the advice-giver, you have the power to maneuver someone's decisions in a certain direction. A biased piece of advice, I suppose.

The dilemmas that I happen to be involved in seem to repeat themselves over and over again; and I don't know how to stop this continuous cycle of fallacies. What really is the right decision to make? If you're asked to give advice on a problem directly related to you, how do you handle it? It's pretty tough. I honestly have no idea if things are even what they seem - they might not even be at all related to me. I tried to give advice pushing aside that little tug at my heart that said that this was partly about me. But giving such an oblivious answer might lead to a decision that ... probably shouldn't be made. But I don't know what else to do. I don't want to manipulate the situation, acting like I didn't intend on it ; I don't want to lie to myself and others.

Maybe I did the right thing, Maybe I did not.