Monday, April 12, 2010

Standing Back Up.

After I had a total emotional and spiritual breakdown last week, I've found that that was what I needed.

I needed to be sweetly broken by God - and then picked up again.
I believe that I really am moving forward once again. My QTs are a lot more consistent than they used to be - and I'm beginning to be more engaged in them - and actually trying to live by the words in the Bible. I'm really trying.

I realized, after picking up my Bible, that when I hear His words, whatever they are, I am so convinced that ALL I need is Him. I don't need anyone else - I just need God. If I have Him, who cares about school, grades, college, boys, husbands (lol), money, clothes, etc. All I need is Him. What is a better realization than that? That God's love is all you need to continue living for Him.

I've been awfully depressing though - constant impulses to drive myself off a cliff - that sort of stuff. But I know that I just do not have the confidence, no matter what to go through with it. Especially since I know God is watching over me - and to disappoint Him would be heart-wrenching.

I want the youth group - no, everyone - to know about God's love. How we don't have to suffer so much if we just know about His AMAZING love. Not that we won't suffer at all- chances are, we'll suffer more - but the peace and joy that comes from knowing Him and His love... nothing else can compare to that.

Nothing can compare to Him.



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